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Автор публикации: Латвина Марина Николаевна

"Мамин день"

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Музыка для начала, фон для слов.Яна: What a happy day todayBoys and girls are very gayThey dance and playWhat a happy, happy dayЛиза:Each bright flowerIs here to sayOur wish for youHappy Mother’s Day2. ПЕСНЯ (Рафиса)3. Фон для стихM - O - T - H - E - RСВЕТА: "M" is for the million things she gave me,НАСТЯ: "O" means only that she's growing old,СЛАВИК : "T" is for the tears she shed to save me,ЯНА : "H" is for her heart of purest gold;ЛИЗА : "E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,ВАЛЯ : "R" means right, and right she'll always be,МАРИНА: Put them all together, they spell ВМЕСТЕ: "MOTHER," A word that means the world to us.СВЕТА: “M” is for the mercy(милосердие) she possesses,НАСТЯ: “O” means that I owe (бытьвдолгу) her all I own.СЛАВИК : “T” is for her tender sweet caresses (ласки),ЯНА : “H” is for her hands that made a home,ЛИЗА : “E” means everything she’s done to help me.ВАЛЯ : “R” means real and regular, you see.МАРИНА: Put them all together, they spell ВМЕСТЕ: “Mother”, A word that means the world to us4. САКСОФОН5. Сценка 3г (Колпикова) Who said “Goodnight”, When you were a child?My mother. Who dressed your dolls in clothes so gay And showed you often how to play?My mother. Who ran to help you when you fell And who could funny stories tell?My mother. Who sits at your head when you are in bed?My mother. Who is so nice, who is so kind, Another so dear you’ll never find?Mymother.6. Do you know compliments you could tell your mum?(Обращение к залу):Обожаемая adorableКрасивая beautifulМилая cuteОчаровательная charming, full of charmДорогая darlingВдохновляющая  excitingТыбожественная you’re so heavenly Ты хорошо выглядишь – you look goodТы мой идеал - you’re the one I idolizeЯ хочу тебя зацеловать — you’re so kissableЯ вижу свет любви в твоих глазах – I see the love light in your eyesЯмогупродолжатьвесьдень — I could go on all dayТынаполняешьмоюжизньсмыслом — mademylifecompleteТыужасномилая — you’re very sweetКакжемноготыдляменязначишь! – I can’t even tell you what you mean to me7. Sing with us “ YOU’RE ADORABLE”(A) you’re adorable(B) you’re so beautiful(C) you’re a cutie full of charms(D) you’re a darling and(E) you’re exciting(F) you’re a feather in my arms (G) you look good to me(H) you’re so heavenly(I) you’re the one I idolize(J) we’re like Jack and Jill(K) you’re so kissable(L) is the love light in your eyes M, N, O, P (you could go on all day)Q ,R, S, T (alphabetically speaking, you’re OK) (U) made my life complete(V) means you’re very sweetW, X, Y, ZIt’s fun to wander throughThe alphabet with youTo tell you what you mean to meTo tell you what you mean to meWe love you alphabetically8. Mums, we love you alphabetically. Mums, you are ideal!ТАНЕЦMaryPoppins (ПоспеловаН. и 6а)9. СценкасМЭРИПОППИНС (Поспелова и 6у).LadyMary! (с удивлением)Good afternoon, Lady Mary!Good afternoon! Good afternoon! Hello, my dear friends! The wind has changed. And here I am at last!We are glad see you!Me too. Don’t you know mother’s day is coming.Have you prepared? Sorry? We haven’t… Then have you got any ideas how to make your mum happy?Sweeping, sweeping, we must do the sweeping,We must get it clean,No dust must be seenDusting, dusting, we must do the dusting,We must get it clean,We must get it cleanPolishing, polishing, we must do the polishing,We must get a shine,A beautiful shine.How nice of you, kids. Let’s look for more ideas!10. Видеосюжет (how to make your mother happy).11. Песня «Honey, honey» (Легеза, 5у).12. Фондлястихов.My Mother's Love – Любовьмоеймамы by April A. ClarkI have a special treasureA gift from up aboveA precious treasure It is my mother’s love.You’re more than just specialYou’re a part of my heartLocked there foreverNever shall we be apart.All of my dreams,You made sure came true.Putting yourself asideEven when I hurt you.You’re not only my mother,You’re also my best friend,No one can ever change that.It’s not something that could end.I know that I am blessed,From heaven up above, So lucky to have,Mymother’slove!13.Танецвальс14ПЕСНЯРЭПYou are the sun of compassion You are the moon of affectionYou are my sourse of inspirationYou are my mother!You’ve had sleepless nights!You’ve had hopeless sights!Life has been difficultSo toughYou’ve gone through trying times andDown roads so roughYou are the light of my passion!You are the seed of determination!You are my soul and elation\/You are my mother. 15. НАСТЯ - Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life... and today it is you! You are the best! Wish You A Happy Mother's Day.СВЕТА - Mum, you're the best. Happy Mother's Day!ЯНА - Thank you for always being there, Mum. Happy Mother's Day.ЛИЗА - There's never been a minute I wasn't glad you were my Mum.ВАЛЯ - "We only have One Mum, One Mummy, One Mother in this World, One life.МАРИНА - Mom You've given me so much, Love from your heart and the warmth of your touch. The gift of life and you're a friend to meСЛАВИК - Love you as my mother. I respect you as a woman. I trust you as my friend. You mean so much to me and I'm so lucky to have you. Happy Mother's Day.16.Песня «Thank you, mum »17. Let, the first snowdrop will Present You tenderness! The Spring sun will present the heat! But April wind will present the hope, And happiness, and joy, and only good!QUIZ on Mother’s dayWhat is your mum's favorite dish?What is your mum's favorite perfume?What is her favorite color?Who is her favorite actor?What does she do in her leisure time?Which is the latest book she has read?Who is her favorite author?What is her favorite flower?What is the first gift that your dad gifted her?How to make your mother happy? (On the occasion of Mother's Day, think of a unique and innovative idea to make your mother feel special, happy and on top of the world.)(It is not always important to gift your mother an expensive item, as mothers will see the heart behind the gift not the amount you spend on it. Give quality time to your mother. She will truly appreciate that!)When does your mum feel pleased and satisfied?Sometimes your mum needs your time, love and care. Does your mum require help? When?There is no magic formula for happiness? What is happiness for your mum you think?Do you make your mum’s life better just being around?Are you always eager to help your mum?What relationships between you and your mum could you call ideal? What factors do these relations depend on?9. Сценка с МЭРИ ПОППИНС (Поспелова и 6у).-Lady Mary! (судивлением)-Good afternoon, Lady Mary!-Good afternoon! -Good afternoon! -Hello, my dear friends! The wind has changed. And here I am at last!-We are glad see you!-Me too. -Don’t you know mother’s day is coming. Have you prepared?- Sorry? We haven’t…- Then have you got any ideas how to make your mum happy?-Sweeping, sweeping, we must do the sweeping, We must get it clean,No dust must be seen-Dusting, dusting, we must do the dusting,We must get it clean, We must get it clean-Polishing, polishing, we must do the polishing, We must get a shine,A beautiful shine.-How nice of you, kids. Let’s look for more ideas!6. Инсценируетсястихотворение “ThreeLittleKittens”.На сцену выбегают дети в костюмах и масках: “Wearethreelittlekittens”.Выходит девочка, выполняющая роль мамы-кошки: “IamMother-cat. I have three kittens: a grey, a while and a black one. This is a pie. It is for my nice kittens. Come to me, my dear”.Pupil:Three little kittens,They lost their mittens,And they began to cry…Kittens:Oh, Mother dear,We greatly fearOur mittens we have lost.Mother-Cat:Lost your mittens,You naughty kittens!Then you shall have no pie.Miew, miew, miew,No, you shall have no pie.Pupil:Three little kittensThey found their mittens,And they began to cry…Kittens:Oh, Mother dear,See here, see here,Our mittens we have found.Mother-Cat:Found your mittens, you clever kittens,Then you shall have some pie.Kittens:Purr, purr, purr.Oh, let us have some pie.

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